50 Shades of Iceland

One of the most exciting years of my life is coming to an end – what an adventure! Now, I am back to my normal life and I thought it would be appropriate to give those that have followed my Round The World trip an idea of what it is like to live at 64 degrees latitude. Long shadows are dominant at this time of the year, as the sun just manages to reach the horizon before disappearing again. Then, in a few of days, it will rise foot by foot until finally in June, it will stay up almost the entire night. The cycle then repeats itself. A new generation is also born – the two little boys in the video are my grandchildren who are a great reminder of another life cycle.

The first video clip is from the residence of our president. The second one is from the Perl, a rotating restaurant in Reykjavik that is built on geothermal water tanks. The last is from “Þúfan”, an environmental art installation by Reykjavik’s harbor.