Nullarbor Plain

Crossing the Nullarbor Plain, which covers nearly 200,000 km² (155,000 square miles) – Iceland is just 103,000 km² (64,001 square miles) will be one of the highlights of my Round the World trip. To be completely alone on a motorcycle, crossing the desert was a unique feeling. The earth’s satellites cover this enormous Australian landmass, when viewing mother early from above. Then, all of a sudden, a tiny motorcycle appears, moving west to east for days and days…

The desert has its own ecosystem which is a very new and different adventure for a motorcyclist from Iceland. All the animals that had been hit by cars and trucks were a strong reminder of the danger of crossing this uninhabited land. The “road trains” (big trucks) were like spaceships in this environment and passing by like a speeding bullet.

Meeting a few aboriginal peoples and allowing me to take their picture was a pleasant surprise.